Renew in 2

Restore your Antique Furniture in 2 Hours

  • Difficulty:
  • Easy
  • Estimated time:
  • 2 Hours
  • People power:
  • 1
  • Budget:
  • Low

Restoring old & antique furniture can be a creative and rewarding DIY project that can provide you with high-quality & attractive pieces for your home or office space. With our latest “Renew in 2” project, restoring old timber to its former glory could be a simple project and you could do it in a couple of hours.


STEP 1: Preparing your brushes
STEP 1: Preparing your brushes

If you’re using water-based paint soak your brush in an inch of water for 10-15min, then remove and spin in between your hands to remove excess water. If you’re using oil-based paint, follow the same steps using turps.

STEP 2: Prepare your furniture
STEP 2: Prepare your furniture

When restoring old or antique furniture always prepare the furniture by sanding it after you have removed all the handles and fittings. Fill any holes if necessary and dust-off the furniture. Use electric sander where possible for a smooth surface. When sanding your furniture, remember to always go in the direction of the grain.

PRO-TIP: Connect your electric sander to a vacuum cleaner. That’s way, all the dust goes into the vacuum and you’re not breathing harmful fumes.

STEP 3: Paint your furniture
STEP 3: Paint your furniture

If you’re restoring a small piece of furniture, use 63mm Monarch Walls, Doors & Trims brush to paint the whole piece. Always remember to apply paint in the direction of the grain. For ideal results, use a quality all-in-one interior stain & varnish paint. Repeat the above process while applying the 2nd coat to enhance the colour of the furniture.

PRO-TIP: Apply a third coat if you want a deeper colour on your furniture

STEP 4: Finishing up
STEP 4: Finishing up

Congratulations, you’re done! Scrape any leftover paint back into the tin for re-use. Wash your brushes thoroughly so you can use them for your next project.

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Leah McLeod
Leah McLeod
Mark O’Connor
Mark O’Connor