Renew in 2

Renew Kitchen Cabinets In 2 Easy Steps

  • Difficulty:
  • Easy
  • Estimated time:
  • 1 day
  • People power:
  • 1
  • Budget:
  • Low

The kitchen is the heart of your home. It experiences a lot of use and a lot of wear and tear. Your cabinets are no exception. You can now renew your kitchen cabinets in 2 easy steps, without breaking your bank.


STEP 1: Preparing your brushes
STEP 1: Preparing your brushes

If you’re using water based paint soak your brush in an inch of water for 10-15min, then remove and spin in between your hands to remove excess water. If you’re using oil-based paint, follow the same steps using turps.

TIP: For DIYers we recommend using a 50mm or 63mm brush allowing easy control and greater efficiency for getting the job done.

STEP 2: Prepare your cabinets
STEP 2: Prepare your cabinets

Take off all hardware from the cabinet, sand and dust your cabinets. Apply special cleaning solution to help the paint stick really well.

STEP 3: Apply coat of primer
STEP 3: Apply coat of primer

Use 50mm quality brush into the moulding first, then roll the larger areas with 160mm foam Smart Lock Mini Roller.

STEP 4: Apply 1st coat of Laminate Paint
STEP 4: Apply 1st coat of Laminate Paint

After the primer coat is dry (allow 4 hours), use a laminate paint coat into the moulding first and them roll the larger areas with 160mm foam Smart Lock Mini Roller.

STEP 5: Apply 2nd coat
STEP 5: Apply 2nd coat

Apply 2nd coat of laminate paint, if necessary.

STEP 6: Finishing up
STEP 6: Finishing up

Congratulations, you’re done! Reattach all cabinet hardware and scrape any leftover paint back into the tin for re-use. Wash your brushes and mini roller thoroughly so you can use them for your next project.

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Leah McLeod
Leah McLeod
Mark O’Connor
Mark O’Connor